In order to use the EnSysMod application, you must first create an account. There are no special permissions or restrictions for now. Its just a simple account to prevent data manipulation on datasets created by other users.
You can create an account by executing the following REST API call:
- POST /auth/register
Create a new user
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Successful Response
409 Conflict – User with same name already exists.
422 Unprocessable Entity – Validation Error
You need a username and a password.
After creating an account, you can log in by executing the following REST API call:
- POST /auth/login
OAuth2 compatible token login, get an access token for future requests
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Successful Response
422 Unprocessable Entity – Validation Error
As response you get an access token. All further requests must be authenticated with this token.
Authenticate for using API docs
Use the authentication button on the top right corner of the documentation page.