Welcome to METIS’ documentation!¶
METIS is an energy modelling software created by the European Commission with the aim to support DG ENER’s evidence-based policy making.
The software has been developed by Artelys with the support of IAEW (RWTH Aachen University), ConGas and Frontier Economics.
This following documentation aims at providing a global understanding of METIS software operations. Both the underlying models and the indicators used to analyze the results of the simulation are covered by this documentation :
- Asset models : This section details the different assets that can be used to create a scenario representing a given energy system. The complete description of each asset can be found on page Library. The assets rely on complex models, with advanced features that manage several energies at an hourly granularity. To handle the associated model equations, an api has been developed and its documentation can be found on page API.
- Indicators : This section focuses on the indicators used in METIS to analyze the results.
- Context actions : This section details context actions, used to perform specific scripted actions on one context
- Import scripts for context creation : This section lists the available scripts that can be used to create a new context by importing an existing scenario from the database.
Table of content:¶
- KPI documentation
- Average production at peak demand (Wh)
- Border exchange surplus (euro)
- Capacity factor (%)
- CO2 emissions (t)
- Congestion hours (h)
- Congestion Rent (euro)
- Consumer Surplus (euro)
- Consumption peak (Wh)
- Consumption (Wh)
- Curtailment cost (euro)
- Curtailment (Wh)
- Demand peak (W)
- Demand (Wh)
- Dispatchable power generation capacity (W)
- Expected Unserved Demand (%)
- Expected Unserved Energy (Wh)
- Exports and imports (Wh)
- Flow (Wh)
- Import capacity (W)
- Installed capacities (W)
- Investment Analysis (euro)
- Investment costs (euro)
- Load payment (euro)
- Loss of load cost (euro)
- Loss Of Load (h)
- Marginal costs statistics (euro/MWh)
- Marginal costs (euro/MWh)
- Minimum unused production capacity (Wh)
- Net demand peak (W)
- Net Production (Wh)
- Producer surplus (euro)
- Production costs (euro)
- Production revenue (euro)
- Production (Wh)
- Raw demand (Wh)
- Reserve Sizing (W)
- Scarcity Price Hours (h)
- Share of production in national demand (%)
- Storage capacity (Wh)
- Storage cycles (cycles)
- Supply (Wh)
- Total costs (euro)
- Transmission capacities (W)
- Transmission usage (%)
- Welfare (euro)
- Decorators
- Asset views
- Delivery Points indicators
- Zones indicators