entsoe_crawler module
Created on Sun Nov 29 18:53:14 2020
@author: maurer
- class entsoe_crawler.EntsoeCrawler(database)[source]
class to allow easier crawling of ENTSO-E timeseries data
- Parameters:
- database: str
database connection string or path to sqlite db
(client[, ...])checks for all countries if the have available data at date.
(client, start, delta[, ...])download_entsoe
(countries, proc, start, ...)Downloads data with a procedure from a EntsoePandasClient and stores it in the configured database
(countries, ...)Allows to download the generation per power plant from entsoe.
(country, ...)Crawl data from ENTSO-E transparency platform and write it to the database
(start, delta, ...)Find the best Start for the given procedurename by finding the last timestemp where data was collected for.
write static data to database once
(start, delta, times, proc)Pulls transmissions across borders from entsoe
pulls static data from opsd and reads it into the database - used for mapping existing power plants from entsoe to a location on a map
(client[, start, delta, ...])Runs everything which is needed to update the database and pull the data since the last successful pull.
- countries_with_plant_data(client, countries=['DE_50HZ', 'AL', 'DE_AMPRION', 'AT', 'BY', 'BE', 'BA', 'BG', 'CZ_DE_SK', 'HR', 'CWE', 'CY', 'CZ', 'DE_AT_LU', 'DE_LU', 'DK', 'DK_1', 'DK_1_NO_1', 'DK_2', 'DK_CA', 'EE', 'FI', 'MK', 'FR', 'DE', 'GR', 'HU', 'IS', 'IE_SEM', 'IE', 'IT', 'IT_SACO_AC', 'IT_CALA', 'IT_SACO_DC', 'IT_BRNN', 'IT_CNOR', 'IT_CSUD', 'IT_FOGN', 'IT_GR', 'IT_MACRO_NORTH', 'IT_MACRO_SOUTH', 'IT_MALTA', 'IT_NORD', 'IT_NORD_AT', 'IT_NORD_CH', 'IT_NORD_FR', 'IT_NORD_SI', 'IT_PRGP', 'IT_ROSN', 'IT_SARD', 'IT_SICI', 'IT_SUD', 'RU_KGD', 'LV', 'LT', 'LU', 'MT', 'ME', 'GB', 'GE', 'GB_IFA', 'GB_IFA2', 'GB_ELECLINK', 'UK', 'NL', 'NO_1', 'NO_1A', 'NO_2', 'NO_2_NSL', 'NO_2A', 'NO_3', 'NO_4', 'NO_5', 'NO', 'PL_CZ', 'PL', 'PT', 'MD', 'RO', 'RU', 'SE_1', 'SE_2', 'SE_3', 'SE_4', 'RS', 'SK', 'SI', 'GB_NIR', 'ES', 'SE', 'CH', 'DE_TENNET', 'DE_TRANSNET', 'TR', 'UA', 'UA_DOBTPP', 'UA_BEI', 'UA_IPS', 'XK', 'DE_AMP_LU'], st=Timestamp('2018-01-01 00:00:00+0100', tz='Europe/Berlin'))[source]
checks for all countries if the have available data at date. Returns list of countries with existing generation data per plant at given timestamp
- Parameters:
- cliententsoe.EntsoePandasClient
- countrieslist[str], default all_countries
- Returns:
- plant_countrieslist[str]
list of country_codes with existing data for generation per plant
- create_database(client, start, delta, countries=[])[source]
- Parameters:
- cliententsoe.EntsoePandasClient
param start:
- delta
param countries: (Default value = [])
- start
param countries: (Default value = [])
- countries
(Default value = [])
- Returns:
- download_entsoe(countries, proc, start, delta, times)[source]
Downloads data with a procedure from a EntsoePandasClient and stores it in the configured database
- Parameters:
- countrieslist[str]
list of country codes
- proc
procedure of entsoe-py
- startpd.Timestamp
- deltapd.Timedelta
- timesint
- Returns:
- download_entsoe_plant_data(countries, client, start, delta, times)[source]
Allows to download the generation per power plant from entsoe. Uses download_entsoe to write the data into the DB.
- Parameters:
- countrieslist[str]
list of 2-letter countrycodes
- cliententsoe.EntsoePandasClient
DataFrameClient of entsoe-py package
- startpd.Timestamp
timestamp aware pd.Timestamp
- deltapd.Timedelta
Timedelta to fetch data for per bulk
- timesint
number of bulks with size delta to fetch
- Returns:
- fetch_and_write_entsoe_df_to_db(country, proc, start, end)[source]
Crawl data from ENTSO-E transparency platform and write it to the database
- Parameters:
- countrystr
2-letter country code
- proc
procedure of entsoe-py client
- startpd.Timestamp
start time
- endpd.Timestamp
end time
- Returns:
- get_latest_crawled_timestamp(start, delta, tablename, tz='Europe/Berlin')[source]
Find the best Start for the given procedurename by finding the last timestemp where data was collected for. Also calculates the best delta to update until today.
- Parameters:
- startpd.Timestamp
- deltapd.Timedelta
to check if a delta has already been set
- tablenamestr
name of the table
- tzstr
(Default value = ‘Europe/Berlin’)
- Returns:
- type
- startpd.Timestamp
best start
- deltapd.Timedelta
best delta
- pull_crossborders(start, delta, times, proc, allZones=True)[source]
Pulls transmissions across borders from entsoe
- Parameters:
- start
param delta:
- times
param proc:
- allZones
Default value = True)
- delta
param proc:
- proc
- Returns:
- save_power_system_data()[source]
pulls static data from opsd and reads it into the database - used for mapping existing power plants from entsoe to a location on a map
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- update_database(client, start=None, delta=None, countries=['DE_50HZ', 'AL', 'DE_AMPRION', 'AT', 'BY', 'BE', 'BA', 'BG', 'CZ_DE_SK', 'HR', 'CWE', 'CY', 'CZ', 'DE_AT_LU', 'DE_LU', 'DK', 'DK_1', 'DK_1_NO_1', 'DK_2', 'DK_CA', 'EE', 'FI', 'MK', 'FR', 'DE', 'GR', 'HU', 'IS', 'IE_SEM', 'IE', 'IT', 'IT_SACO_AC', 'IT_CALA', 'IT_SACO_DC', 'IT_BRNN', 'IT_CNOR', 'IT_CSUD', 'IT_FOGN', 'IT_GR', 'IT_MACRO_NORTH', 'IT_MACRO_SOUTH', 'IT_MALTA', 'IT_NORD', 'IT_NORD_AT', 'IT_NORD_CH', 'IT_NORD_FR', 'IT_NORD_SI', 'IT_PRGP', 'IT_ROSN', 'IT_SARD', 'IT_SICI', 'IT_SUD', 'RU_KGD', 'LV', 'LT', 'LU', 'MT', 'ME', 'GB', 'GE', 'GB_IFA', 'GB_IFA2', 'GB_ELECLINK', 'UK', 'NL', 'NO_1', 'NO_1A', 'NO_2', 'NO_2_NSL', 'NO_2A', 'NO_3', 'NO_4', 'NO_5', 'NO', 'PL_CZ', 'PL', 'PT', 'MD', 'RO', 'RU', 'SE_1', 'SE_2', 'SE_3', 'SE_4', 'RS', 'SK', 'SI', 'GB_NIR', 'ES', 'SE', 'CH', 'DE_TENNET', 'DE_TRANSNET', 'TR', 'UA', 'UA_DOBTPP', 'UA_BEI', 'UA_IPS', 'XK', 'DE_AMP_LU'])[source]
Runs everything which is needed to update the database and pull the data since the last successful pull.
- Parameters:
- cliententsoe.EntsoePandasClient
entsoe-py client
- deltapd.Timedelta
- countrieslist[str], default all_countries
- startpd.Timestamp
- Returns: