Source code for entsoe_sqlite_manager

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Nov 29 14:58:52 2020

@author: maurer

from entsoe_data_manager import EntsoeDataManager, EntsoePlantDataManager, Filter, revReplaceStr

import sqlite3
from contextlib import closing, contextmanager

from datetime import datetime, date
import pandas as pd
from typing import List
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

ftime_sqlite = {'day': '%Y-%m-%d',
                'month': '%Y-%m-01',
                'year': '%Y-01-01',
                'hour': '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00',
                'minute': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00'}

ftime_pg = {'day': 'YYYY-MM-DD',
            'month': 'YYYY-MM-01',
            'year': 'YYYY-01-01',
            'hour': 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:00:00',
            'minute': 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:00'}

[docs] class EntsoeSQLite(EntsoeDataManager): def __init__(self, database: str): self.use_pg = database.startswith('postgresql') if self.use_pg: self.engine = create_engine(database) @contextmanager def access_db(): with self.engine.connect() as conn, conn.begin(): yield conn self.db_accessor = access_db else: self.db_accessor = lambda: closing(sqlite3.connect(database))
[docs] def groupTime(self, groupby, column): if self.use_pg: return f"to_char({column}, '{ftime_pg[groupby]}')" # PostgreSQL else: return f'strftime("{ftime_sqlite[groupby]}", "{column}")' # SQLite
[docs] def capacity(self, country: str): with self.db_accessor() as conn: query = f"select distinct * from query_installed_generation_capacity where country='{country}'" cap = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn, index_col='index') cap.columns = return cap
[docs] def load(self, country: str, filt: Filter): # average is correct here as some countries have quarter hour data and others whereString = f"country='{country}' and '{filt.begin.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}' < index and index < '{filt.end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}'" selectString = f'{self.groupTime(filt.groupby, "index")} as time, avg("actual_load") as value' groupString = f'{self.groupTime(filt.groupby, "index")}' with self.db_accessor() as conn: query = f"select {selectString} from query_load where {whereString} group by {groupString} order by time desc" load = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn, index_col='time') return load
[docs] def generation(self, country: str, filt: Filter): whereString = f"country='{country}' and '{filt.begin.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}' < index and index < '{filt.end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}'" selectString = f'{self.groupTime(filt.groupby, "index")} as time' groupString = f'{self.groupTime(filt.groupby, "index")}, country' with self.db_accessor() as conn: columns = list(pd.read_sql_query( 'select * from query_generation where 1=0', conn).columns) columns.remove('country') columns.remove('index') colNames = ','.join( [f'avg("{column}") as "{column}"' for column in columns])+', country ' query = f"select {selectString},{colNames} from query_generation where {whereString} group by {groupString}" gen = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn, index_col='time') gen.columns =''.join).map(revReplaceStr) return gen
def _selectBuilder(self, neighbours): ''' builds the select statement for the difference of import and export ''' res = '' for x in neighbours: fr = x.split('-')[0] to = x.split('-')[1] # export - import res += f'avg("{fr}-{to}"-"{to}-{fr}") as diff_{to}' res += ',' return res def _neighbours(self, fromC): ''' finds all neighbours of a country by looking at the columns of query_crossborder_flows ''' with self.db_accessor() as conn: query = 'select * from query_crossborder_flows where 0=1' columns = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn).columns nei = [] for columnname in columns: # some columns are meaningless and only one direction exists if columnname in ['fr-it_nord_fr', 'ch-it_nord_ch', 'de_at_lu-it_nord_at', 'pl-ua']: continue sp = columnname.split('-') if sp[0] == fromC: nei.append(columnname) # nei.append(sp[1]+'.'+sp[0]) return nei
[docs] def crossborderFlows(self, country: str, filt: Filter): whereString = f"'{filt.begin.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}' < index and index < '{filt.end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}'" nei = self._neighbours(country.lower()) selectString = f'{self._selectBuilder(nei)} {self.groupTime(filt.groupby, "index")} as time' groupString = f'{self.groupTime(filt.groupby, "index")}' with self.db_accessor() as conn: query = f"select {selectString} from query_crossborder_flows where {whereString} group by {groupString}" cross = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn, index_col='time') return cross.sort_index()
# relList= map(lambda x: x.split('.'),crossborder.columns) # filteredRelations=filter(lambda x: x.count(country)>0,relList) # columns=list(map(lambda x: '{}.{}'.format(x[0],x[1]), filteredRelations)) # columns.append('group') # return['group']).sum().toPandas()
[docs] def countries(self): with self.db_accessor() as conn: df = pd.read_sql( 'select name, value, meaning from areas', conn) return df
[docs] def climateImpact(self): climate = pd.read_csv( 'CO2_factors_energy_carrier.CSV', sep=';', index_col=0) return climate
[docs] class EntsoePlantSQLite(EntsoePlantDataManager): def __init__(self, plantdatabase: str): self.use_pg = plantdatabase.startswith('postgresql') if self.use_pg: self.engine = create_engine(plantdatabase) @contextmanager def access_db(): with self.engine.connect() as conn, conn.begin(): yield conn self.db_accessor = access_db else: self.db_accessor = lambda: closing(sqlite3.connect(plantdatabase))
[docs] def groupTime(self, groupby, column): if self.use_pg: return f"to_char({column}, '{ftime_pg[groupby]}')" # PostgreSQL else: return f'strftime("{ftime_sqlite[groupby]}", "{column}")' # SQLite
[docs] def plantGen(self, names: List[str], filt: Filter): # average is correct here as some countries have quarter hour data and others inJoinString = "','".join(names) inString = f"('{inJoinString}')" whereString = f"name in {inString} and '{filt.begin.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}' < index and index < '{filt.end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}'" selectString = f'{self.groupTime(filt.groupby, "index")} as time, avg("value") as value, country, type, name' groupString = f'{self.groupTime(filt.groupby, "index")}, name, type, country' with self.db_accessor() as conn: query = f"select {selectString} from query_per_plant where {whereString} group by {groupString}" generation = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn, index_col='time') return generation.sort_index()
[docs] def getNames(self): ''' returns a list of plant names and countries with existing generation data ''' with self.db_accessor() as conn: # TODO add type query = "select distinct name,country from plant_names" names = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn) return names
[docs] def capacityPerPlant(self, country=''): selectString = 'Name,country,"Installed_Capacity_[MW]" as capacity,production_type' if country == '': whereString = '' else: whereString = f"where country='{country}'" with self.db_accessor() as conn: query = f'select distinct {selectString} from query_installed_generation_capacity_per_unit {whereString}' df = pd.read_sql(query, conn) return df
[docs] def powersystems(self, country=''): ''' returns a list of all power systems which exist in ENTSO-E and OPSD (open-power-system-data) - joined on the eic_code ''' selectString = 'eic_code,, as entsoe_name, company,, as area,lat,lon,capacity,production_type' if country == '': whereString = '' else: whereString = f"where'{country}'" with self.db_accessor() as conn: df = pd.read_sql( f'select {selectString} from powersystemdata p join query_installed_generation_capacity_per_unit q on q."index" = p.eic_code {whereString}', conn) return df
if __name__ == "__main__": country = 'NL' par = EntsoeSQLite('data/entsoe.db') filt = Filter(datetime(2020, 9, 1), datetime(2020, 9, 2), 'hour') neighbours = par.crossborderFlows(country, filt) cap = par.capacity(country) countries = par.countries() country = countries['name'][0] df2 = par.powersystems() filt = Filter(datetime(2020, 2, 1), datetime(2020, 2, 2), 'hour') load = par.load(country, filt) generation = par.generation(country, filt) del generation['country'] generation = generation/1000 gen = generation.melt( var_name='kind', value_name='value', ignore_index=False) climate = par.climateImpact() generation = generation.fillna(value=0) nox = generation*climate['Summe NOX'] g = generation g = g.loc[:, (g != 0).any(axis=0)] # from entsoe_data_manager import EntsoeDataManager # issubclass(par.__class__,EntsoeDataManager) # data.to_sql('query_crossborder_flows',conn) # columns = pd.read_sql_query(f'select * from DE_query_generation where 1=0',conn).columns # query = "select * from DE_query_generation" # gen = pd.read_sql_query(query,conn) filt = Filter(datetime(2018, 2, 1), datetime(2019, 2, 2), 'hour') ep = EntsoePlantSQLite('data/entsoe.db') names = ep.getNames() nossener = ep.plantGen(['GTHKW Nossener Bruecke'], filt) doel2 = ep.plantGen(['DOEL 2'], filt) # oft falsch, nuklear richtig aa = par.capacityPerPlant('FR') aa['capacity'] = aa['capacity'].astype(float) aaa = aa.groupby('production_type').sum()['capacity']