#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Nov 29 23:15:16 2020
@author: maurer
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List
import pandas as pd
from entsog_data_manager import EntsogDataManager, Filter
import sqlite3
from contextlib import closing, contextmanager
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
ftime_sqlite = {'day': '%Y-%m-%d',
'month': '%Y-%m-01',
'year': '%Y-01-01',
'hour': '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00',
'minute': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00'}
ftime_pg = {'day': 'YYYY-MM-DD',
'month': 'YYYY-MM-01',
'year': 'YYYY-01-01',
'hour': 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:00:00',
'minute': 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:00'}
checkPipeInPipe = "pipeinpipewithtsokey is NULL"
def timeFilter(filt):
return f"'{filt.begin.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}' < periodFrom and periodFrom < '{filt.end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}' "
physFlowTableName = 'physical_flow'
class EntsogSQLite(EntsogDataManager):
def __init__(self, database: str):
self.use_pg = database.startswith('postgresql')
if self.use_pg:
self.engine = create_engine(database)
def access_db():
with self.engine.connect() as conn, conn.begin():
yield conn
self.db_accessor = access_db
self.db_accessor = lambda: closing(sqlite3.connect(database))
if self.use_pg:
self.checkDoubleReporting = "isdoublereporting is not TRUE"
self.checkDoubleReporting = "not isdoublereporting"
def groupTime(self, groupby, column):
if self.use_pg:
return f"to_char({column}::timestamp, '{ftime_pg[groupby]}')" # PostgreSQL
return f'strftime("{ftime_sqlite[groupby]}", "{column}")' # SQLite
def connectionpoints(self):
selectString = 'tpMapX as lat, tpMapY as long, pointkey, pointlabel'
with self.db_accessor() as conn:
zones = pd.read_sql_query(
f'select {selectString} from connectionpoints', conn)
return zones
def interconnections(self):
interconnections which are in one of the balancingZones
to be determined whats useful here (coming from, to or both)
selectString = 'pointTpMapY as lat, pointTpMapX as lon, fromdirectionkey, '
selectString += 'pointkey, pointlabel, fromOperatorKey, fromoperatorlabel, fromcountrykey, fromBzKey, frombzlabel, '
selectString += 'toCountryKey, toOperatorKey,tooperatorlabel, toPointKey, topointlabel, toBzKey,toBzLabel'
with self.db_accessor() as conn:
interconnections = pd.read_sql_query(
f'select {selectString} from Interconnections', conn)
return interconnections
def balancingzones(self):
"""also known as bidding zones"""
selectString = 'tpMapY as lat, tpMapX as lon, bzLabel'
with self.db_accessor() as conn:
zones = pd.read_sql_query(
f'select {selectString} from balancingzones', conn)
return zones
def operators(self, country: str = '', operatorType: str = ''):
returns operators which have an interconnection in one of the balancingZones
if operatorType != '' and country != '':
whereString = f"where operatorTypeLabel='{operatorType}' and operatorCountryKey='{country}'"
elif country != '':
whereString = f"where operatorCountryKey='{country}'"
elif operatorType != '':
whereString = f'where operatorTypeLabel="{operatorType}"'
whereString = ''
selectString = 'operatorKey, operatorLabel, operatorCountryKey, operatorTypeLabel'
with self.db_accessor() as conn:
operators = pd.read_sql_query(
f'select {selectString} from operators {whereString}', conn)
return operators
def operatorpointdirections(self):
selectString = 'pointkey, pointlabel, operatorLabel, directionkey, '
selectString += 'tpTsoItemLabel, tSOBalancingZone, tSOCountry, pipeinpipewithtsokey, isdoublereporting,'
selectString += 'adjacentcountry, connectedOperators, adjacentOperatorKey, adjacentzones'
with self.db_accessor() as conn:
opd = pd.read_sql_query(
f'select {selectString} from operatorpointdirections', conn)
return opd
def operationaldata(self, operatorKeys: List[str], filt: Filter, group_by: List[str] = ['directionkey'], table=physFlowTableName):
whereString = timeFilter(filt)
inJoinString = "','".join(operatorKeys)
inString = f"('{inJoinString}')"
whereString += f'and t.operatorkey in {inString} and {self.checkDoubleReporting}'
joinString = ' left join (select distinct pointkey, isdoublereporting, operatorKey, pipeinpipewithtsokey from operatorpointdirections) opd on t.pointkey = opd.pointkey and t.operatorkey = opd.operatorKey'
if table == physFlowTableName:
whereString += f' and {checkPipeInPipe}'
group_by = ', '.join(list(map(lambda x: 't.'+x, group_by)))
selectString = f'{self.groupTime(filt.groupby, "periodfrom")} as time, '
selectString += f'{group_by}, sum(value) as value'
groupString = f'{self.groupTime(filt.groupby, "periodfrom")}, {group_by}'
with self.db_accessor() as conn:
query = f'select {selectString} from {table} t {joinString} where {whereString} group by {groupString}'
flow = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn, index_col='time')
return flow
def operationaldataByPoints(self, points: List[str], filt: Filter, group_by: List[str] = ['directionkey'], table=physFlowTableName):
whereString = timeFilter(filt)
inJoinString = "','".join(points)
inString = f"('{inJoinString}')"
whereString += f'and pointkey in {inString}'
selectString = f'{self.groupTime(filt.groupby, "periodfrom")} as time, '
selectString += 'pointkey, pointlabel, operatorkey, operatorlabel, '
selectString += 'directionkey, sum(value) as value, indicator, pipeinpipewithtsokey'
joinString = ' left join (select distinct pointkey as pk, isdoublereporting, operatorKey as ok, pipeinpipewithtsokey from operatorpointdirections) opd on t.pointkey = opd.pk and t.operatorkey = opd.ok'
group_by = ', '.join(group_by)
groupString = f'{self.groupTime(filt.groupby, "periodfrom")}, {group_by}, pointkey, pointlabel, operatorkey, operatorlabel, indicator, pipeinpipewithtsokey'
with self.db_accessor() as conn:
query = f'select {selectString} from {table} t {joinString} where {whereString} group by {groupString}'
flow = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn, index_col='time')
return flow
def operatorsByBZ(self, bz: str):
with self.db_accessor() as conn:
query = f"select distinct fromOperatorKey from Interconnections where frombzlabel='{bz}'"
operatorKeys = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn).dropna()[
return operatorKeys
def bilanz(self, operatorKeys: List[str], filt: Filter, table=physFlowTableName):
inJoinString = "','".join(operatorKeys)
inString = f"('{inJoinString}')"
whereString = timeFilter(filt)
whereString += f' and o.operatorKey in {inString} and {self.checkDoubleReporting}'
selectString = f'{self.groupTime(filt.groupby, "periodfrom")} as time, '
# TODO if connectionpoints would not have missing data, remove this hack
# this is using that the pointkeys first 3 chars are generelly indicating
# the infrastructureKey
selectString += 'coalesce(c.infrastructureKey, substr(o.pointkey,0,4)) as infra, directionkey, sum(value) as value'
groupString = f'{self.groupTime(filt.groupby, "periodfrom")}, directionkey, infra'
joinString = ' left join (select distinct pointkey, isdoublereporting, operatorKey, pipeinpipewithtsokey from operatorpointdirections) opd on o.pointkey = opd.pointkey and o.operatorKey = opd.operatorKey'
if table == physFlowTableName:
whereString += f' and {checkPipeInPipe}'
with self.db_accessor() as conn:
query = f'select {selectString} from {table} o {joinString} left join connectionpoints c on o.pointkey=c.pointkey where {whereString} group by {groupString}'
bil = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn, index_col='time')
bilanz = bil.pivot(columns=['infra', 'directionkey'])
bilanz.columns = bilanz.columns.droplevel(None)
return self._diffHelper(bilanz)
def _diffHelper(self, df):
gets difference for each pair of entry and exit direction index column
l = []
p = pd.DataFrame()
df = df.fillna(value=0)
for col in df.columns:
if col[0] not in l:
for col2 in df.columns:
if str(col[0]) == str(col2[0]) and col != col2:
# same category
if col[1] == 'entry':
p[str(col[0])] = df[col]-df[col2]
else: # entry - exit
p[str(col[0])] = df[col2]-df[col]
if str(col[0]) not in l:
if col[1] == 'entry':
p[str(col[0])] = df[col]
p[str(col[0])] = -df[col]
return p
def crossborder(self, operatorKeys: List[str], filt: Filter, group_by: List[str] = ['t.directionkey', 'opd.adjacentcountry'], table=physFlowTableName):
whereString = timeFilter(filt)
inJoinString = "','".join(operatorKeys)
inString = f"('{inJoinString}')"
whereString += f'and t.operatorkey in {inString} and {self.checkDoubleReporting}'
joinString = ' left join (select distinct pointkey, isdoublereporting, operatorKey, pipeinpipewithtsokey, adjacentzones, adjacentcountry from operatorpointdirections) opd on t.pointkey = opd.pointkey and t.operatorkey = opd.operatorKey'
if table == physFlowTableName:
whereString += f' and {checkPipeInPipe}'
group_by = ', '.join(list(map(lambda x: ''+x, group_by)))
selectString = f'{self.groupTime(filt.groupby, "periodfrom")} as time, '
selectString += f'{group_by}, coalesce(opd.adjacentzones, substr(t.pointkey,0,4)) as adjacentzones, sum(value) as value'
groupString = f'{self.groupTime(filt.groupby, "periodfrom")}, coalesce(opd.adjacentzones, substr(t.pointkey,0,4)), {group_by}'
with self.db_accessor() as conn:
query = f'select {selectString} from {table} t {joinString} where {whereString} group by {groupString}'
flow = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn, index_col='time')
flow['name'] = flow['adjacentcountry'].apply(lambda x: str(
x) if x else '-')+':'+flow['adjacentzones'].apply(lambda x: str(x) if x else '-')
del flow['adjacentcountry']
del flow['adjacentzones']
pivoted = flow.pivot(columns=['name', 'directionkey'], values='value')
return self._diffHelper(pivoted)
if __name__ == "__main__":
entsog = EntsogSQLite('data/entsog.db')
operators = entsog.operators()
start = datetime(2018, 7, 1)
end = datetime(2018, 7, 22)
group = 'hour'
filt = Filter(start, end, group)
balzones = entsog.balancingzones()
intercon = entsog.interconnections()
cpp = entsog.connectionpoints()
#gen = generation.melt(var_name='kind', value_name='value',ignore_index=False)
operatorKeys = ['DE-TSO-0004', 'DE-TSO-0007', 'DE-TSO-0005', 'DE-TSO-0006']
phy = entsog.operationaldata(operatorKeys, filt, group_by=['directionkey'])
piv = phy.pivot(columns=['operatorkey', 'directionkey'], values='value')
point = entsog.operationaldataByPoints(
['ITP-00043', 'ITP-00111'], Filter(start, end, group), ['pointkey', 'directionkey'])
point['point'] = point['pointlabel']+' ' + \
point['directionkey']+' '+point['indicator']
point['value'] = point['value']/1e6
piv2 = point.pivot(columns=['point'], values='value')
end = datetime(2018, 7, 2)
filt = Filter(start, end, 'hour')
operatorKeys = entsog.operatorsByBZ('Italy')
operatorKeys = entsog.operatorsByBZ('Portugal')
bil = entsog.bilanz(operatorKeys, filt)
operatorKeys = entsog.operatorsByBZ('GASPOOL')
c = entsog.crossborder(operatorKeys, filt)
# 55 mrd Nm^3 sind 60 GWh
# 55 000 000 000 = 60 000 000 000 Wh pro Jahr
# taeglich circa 160 000 000 Wh also 160 MWh
# tatsaechlich 1 131 141 436 kWh pro Tag?? laut entsog